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What's the best way to pack for space?

Packing to go to space is a lot like getting ready for a plane ride with only a carry-on bag. You have to maximize the use of the space in your bag at the same time you want to make sure you have what you need. That's the ...

A new spin on Betelgeuse's boiling surface

Betelgeuse is a well-known red supergiant star in the constellation Orion. Recently it has gained a lot of attention, not only because variations in its brightness led to speculations that an explosion might be imminent, ...

Spacesuits need a major upgrade for the next phase of exploration

Humans have long dreamed of setting foot on the moon and other planetary bodies such as Mars. Since the 1960s, space travelers have donned suits designed to protect them from the vacuum of space and stepped out into the unknown.

SpaceX eyes March 14 for next Starship test launch

Elon Musk's SpaceX on Wednesday announced it was eyeing March 14 as the earliest date for the next test launch of its giant Starship rocket, with which it hopes to one day colonize Mars.

Star ripped apart by black hole in rare discovery

Astronomers from the University of Hawaiʻi Institute for Astronomy (IfA) have uncovered the closest recorded occurrence of a star being torn apart by a supermassive black hole (SMBH). Using the All-Sky Automated Survey for ...

More news

Space Exploration
More planets than stars: Kepler's legacy
Space Exploration
Just add AI for expert astronaut ultrasound
Space Exploration
Study find potential benefits in AI–based systems for spotting hard-to-detect space debris
Webb unlocks secrets of primeval galaxy
What makes black holes grow and new stars form? Machine learning helps solve the mystery
Planetary Sciences
Astronomers discover new Saturn-sized exoplanet
Groundbreaking survey reveals secrets of planet birth around dozens of stars
Space Exploration
Moon lander Odysseus has a new home and brings an artistic project along for the ride
Space Exploration
New NASA astronauts graduate, eying moon—and Mars
Space Exploration
Astronauts arrive at International Space Station for swap
Space Exploration
Space tourists need better warnings about cosmic radiation exposure, say experts 
'Zero chance' infamous Apophis collides with another asteroid, redirects to Earth
Observations find evidence of patchy cloud layers in the atmosphere of a nearby planetary-mass object
Planetary Sciences
James Webb Space Telescope captures the end of planet formation
Multiple spacecraft tell the story of one giant solar storm
Space Exploration
Fixing space-physics mistake enhances satellite safety
Planetary Sciences
From 'Tatooine' to reality: How exoplanet research has translated to science fiction
Planetary Sciences
Study determines the original orientations of rocks drilled on Mars
Jupiter's moon Europa may have less oxygen than expected, a finding that might put a damper on life
Researchers reveal anomalous heating in the sun's upper atmosphere

Other news

Optics & Photonics
Ultraviolet spectroscopy: A leap in precision and accuracy at extremely low light levels
Earth Sciences
Soil may release more carbon than expected, affecting climate change models
Quantum Physics
Scientists propose new scheme for the quantum battery using waveguides
General Physics
Classifying quantum secrets: Pendulum experiment reveals insights into topological materials
Exploring the genetic composition of fungi and its role in plant health
Plants & Animals
Sharks, turtles and other sea creatures face greater risk from industrial fishing than previously thought
Optics & Photonics
Optically trapped quantum droplets of light can bind together to form macroscopic complexes
Earth Sciences
Nearly 2 billion people globally at risk from land subsidence
Study on mating behaviors offers clues into the evolution of attraction
Cell & Microbiology
What makes a pathogen antibiotic-resistant?
Newly developed nano-thermometers enable real-time temperature detection in transmission electron microscopy
General Physics
Dancing droplets' new spin on water harvesting
Tracing the spread of cacao domestication
Plants & Animals
Study finds increasing frequency and scale of mass mortality events among farmed salmon since 2012
Rogue enzymes cause numerous diseases, but a new method could help design drugs to treat them
Analytical Chemistry
Scientists develop new machine learning method for modeling chemical reactions
Cell & Microbiology
Bioengineering company creates induced pluripotent stem cells from elephant skin cells
General Physics
LHCb finds bottom quarks are more likely to exist in baryons than mesons as the environment density increases
Plants & Animals
Social dynamics of family dogs: A peek behind hierarchies
Cell & Microbiology
Biologists discover the secrets of how gene traits are passed on

Multiple spacecraft tell the story of one giant solar storm

April 17, 2021, was a day like any other day on the sun, until a brilliant flash erupted and an enormous cloud of solar material billowed away from our star. Such outbursts from the sun are not unusual, but this one was unusually ...

Fixing space-physics mistake enhances satellite safety

Correcting 50-year-old errors in the math used to understand how electromagnetic waves scatter electrons trapped in Earth's magnetic fields will lead to better protection for technology in space.