The lows and lows of Antarctic sea ice

Data from the US National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) have revealed another summer of exceptionally low sea-ice extent around Antarctica.

Researchers overestimate their own honesty, finds study

The average researcher thinks they are better than their colleagues at following good research practice. They also think that their own research field is better than other research fields at following good research practice.

Unique manufacturing method produces more appealing vegan meat

Vegan food is often sidestepped due to its rubbery consistency. Food technology researchers at Lund University in Sweden have now developed a way to make vegan food more appetizing by using new combinations of raw materials. ...

High-tech spray can prevent and cure rusty plant threat

Researchers from The University of Queensland have developed a treatment that can both prevent and cure infection caused by an invasive fungal disease devastating native Australian plants.

A magnetohydrodynamic drive could lead to fuel stations on Mars

Within the next 15 years, NASA, China, and SpaceX plan to send the first crewed missions to Mars. In all three cases, these missions are meant to culminate in the creation of surface habitats that will allow for many returns ...

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