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AI makes a rendezvous in space

Space travel is complex, expensive, and risky. Great sums and valuable payloads are on the line every time one spacecraft docks with another. One slip and a billion-dollar mission could be lost. Aerospace engineers believe ...

What's the best way to pack for space?

Packing to go to space is a lot like getting ready for a plane ride with only a carry-on bag. You have to maximize the use of the space in your bag at the same time you want to make sure you have what you need. That's the ...

Spacesuits need a major upgrade for the next phase of exploration

Humans have long dreamed of setting foot on the moon and other planetary bodies such as Mars. Since the 1960s, space travelers have donned suits designed to protect them from the vacuum of space and stepped out into the unknown.

SpaceX eyes March 14 for next Starship test launch

Elon Musk's SpaceX on Wednesday announced it was eyeing March 14 as the earliest date for the next test launch of its giant Starship rocket, with which it hopes to one day colonize Mars.

Just add AI for expert astronaut ultrasound

Ultrasound devices are commonplace in modern orbital medical kits, helping to facilitate rapid diagnoses of astronaut ailments or bodily changes. However it takes real-time guidance from experts on the ground to acquire medically ...

More planets than stars: Kepler's legacy

The Kepler mission enabled the discovery of thousands of exoplanets, revealing a deep truth about our place in the cosmos: There are more planets than stars in the Milky Way galaxy. The road to this fundamental change in ...

New NASA astronauts graduate, eying moon—and Mars

After two years of rigorous training, ten Americans officially became astronauts on Tuesday, and are now eligible for planned NASA missions to the International Space Station, the moon, and—if all goes well—to Mars.

NASA tests the new Starship docking system

The Apollo Program delivered 12 American astronauts to the surface of the moon. But that program ended in 1972, and since then, no human beings have visited. But Artemis will change that. And instead of just visiting the ...

Fixing space-physics mistake enhances satellite safety

Correcting 50-year-old errors in the math used to understand how electromagnetic waves scatter electrons trapped in Earth's magnetic fields will lead to better protection for technology in space.

More news

Space Exploration
Where will you be for the April 8 total solar eclipse? There's still time to grab a spot
Space Exploration
Japan moon lander put to sleep after surviving lunar night
Space Exploration
An augmented reality assessment designed to test astronaut adjustment to gravity changes
Space Exploration
First US moon lander in half a century stops working a week after tipping over at touchdown
Space Exploration
When an object like 'Oumuamua comes around again, we could be ready with an interstellar object explorer
Space Exploration
Night-shining cloud mission ends; yields high science results for NASA
Space Exploration
Proba-3's laser-precise positioning
Space Exploration
Private US moon lander still working after breaking leg and falling, but not for long
Space Exploration
Could fiber optic cable help scientists probe the deep layers of the moon?
Space Exploration
SpaceX delays Crew-8 launch, but lines up Starlink launch instead
Space Exploration
To the moon and back: NASA's Artemis II crew rehearses splashdown
Space Exploration
With space travel comes motion sickness. These engineers want to help
Space Exploration
Russian rocket successfully puts Iranian satellite into orbit
Space Exploration
Russian space officials say air leak at International Space Station poses no danger to its crew
Space Exploration
Study finds the West is best to spot UFOs
Space Exploration
A new space mission: Astrobotic eyes an expansion of its North Side headquarters
Space Exploration
US Moon lander's battery likely has hours left: company
Space Exploration
Who owns the moon?
Space Exploration
Research on dynamics and FNTSM control of spacecraft with a film capture pocket system
Space Exploration
A NASA mission that collided with an asteroid didn't just leave a dent. It reshaped the space rock

Other news

Rabana-Merquly: Was the mountain fortress also a Parthian-era sanctuary?
Plants & Animals
One in seven deepwater sharks and rays at risk of extinction, new study finds
Interstellar signal linked to aliens was actually just a truck
Cell & Microbiology
Vitamin A may play a central role in stem cell biology and wound repair
Bio & Medicine
Researchers test curcumin nanoemulsion for treatment of intestinal inflammation
Quantum Physics
Scientists propose new scheme for the quantum battery using waveguides
Plants & Animals
New technique may help scientists stave off coral reef collapse
General Physics
Classifying quantum secrets: Pendulum experiment reveals insights into topological materials
Plants & Animals
New study reveals which animals are most vulnerable to extinction due to climate change
Cell & Microbiology
Researchers reveal how a virus hijacks insect sperm: May help control disease vectors and pests
Earth Sciences
Geologists find that low-relief mountain ranges are the largest carbon sinks
Cell & Microbiology
Often seen, never studied: First characterization of a key postsynaptic protein
New study finds the malaria parasite generates genetic diversity using an evolutionary 'copy-paste' tactic
Paleontology & Fossils
Earth's earliest forest revealed in Somerset fossils
Earth Sciences
Nearly 2 billion people globally at risk from land subsidence
Optics & Photonics
Ultraviolet spectroscopy: A leap in precision and accuracy at extremely low light levels
Earth Sciences
Soil may release more carbon than expected, affecting climate change models
'Baby quasars': James Webb Space Telescope spots little giants in the deep past
Observations inspect variability of a nearby ultra-fast rotating active star
Analytical Chemistry
Scientists develop new machine learning method for modeling chemical reactions