Related topics: climate change

The role of history in how efficient color names evolve

Suppose two speakers of the same language are playing a guessing game where each has the same color swatches, and Player 1 tries to get Player 2 to guess a hue by naming the color. If the second player consistently guesses ...

Women train to fight fire with fire in Portugal

Women from around the world gathered in northwest Portugal this week to practice a traditional technique of deliberately burning land to prevent the kind of wildfires—intensified by climate change—that have killed hundreds ...

Heat wave risk hovers over Paris Olympics

Scorching summer heat is hard to imagine now in mid-winter Paris, but in six months when the world's athletes arrive for the Olympics, another pounding heat wave would spell trouble for organizers.

Glacier melting destroys important climate data archive

As part of the Ice Memory initiative, Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) researchers, with colleagues from the University of Fribourg and Ca' Foscari University of Venice as well as the Institute of Polar Sciences of the Italian ...

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