Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory or Berkeley Lab is managed by the University of California for the Department of Energy of the USA. Berkeley Lab is a premiere scientific research center with programs in Secure and Sustainable Energy, Novel Materials and Ultra Fast Processes Nanodevices, Matter and Force in the Universe, High Performance Computing and Networking, Biosystems and Health and Earth and Climate Science. Berkeley Labs Scientific Divisions include Accelerator and Fusion Research Division, Advanced Light Source, Physical Bioscience Division, Physics, Engineering, Life Science and Material Science and other state of the art divisions. Berkeley Labs has achieved greatness in their research and opportunities for study by esteemed scientists and engineers.

MS 65, One Cyclotron Road, Berkeley CA 94720

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Video: Stashing carbon for the long haul with healthy soils

A key solution for carbon capture and storage is under our feet. We're investigating the interactions between plants, microbes, and geological features in soil with the goal of using healthy soil ecosystems to pull carbon ...

Fabricated ecosystems could lead to better bioenergy crops

A greater understanding of how plants and microbes work together to store vast amounts of atmospheric carbon in the soil will help in the design of better bioenergy crops for the fight against climate change.

New tomographic reconstruction algorithm sets world record

Advanced synchrotron tomography is a critical research tool, allowing scientists to explore the intricate structures of objects in extremely high resolution. Because this technique enables researchers to capture dynamics ...

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