
Green Up: Game time, Day 2

In late January the development team of "America's Army," the United States Army's free video game for the Mac OS X, Windows and Linux operating systems, arrived in Camp Guernsey, Wyo., for three days of hands-on training ...

Green Up Journals: Game time

It is late January and the development team of "America's Army" -- the U.S. Army's free video game for the Mac OS X, Windows and Linux operating systems -- has arrived in Camp Guernsey for three days of hands-on training ...

Expert: You too can be creative; it just takes hard work

Do you desire to be a more creative person but don't think you have the "creative" gene? You may have some hard work ahead, but it's possible to become the next Walt Disney or Martha Stewart, says an expert on creativity ...

New analysis shows three human migrations out of Africa

A new, more robust analysis of recently derived human gene trees by Alan R. Templeton, Ph.D, of Washington University in St Louis, shows three distinct major waves of human migration out of Africa instead of just two, and ...

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