
New tool to measure speeding nuclei is a fast-beam first

An international collaboration at the Michigan State University National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory has demonstrated a new technique for studying particles traveling at one-third the speed of light. The result, ...

2006 Medal of Technology winners announced

Five people have been identified as winners of the 2006 U.S. National Medals of Technology, which are to be presented during a White House ceremony next week.

New insecticide created for mosquitoes

French scientists have developed an effective insecticide-repellent compound that can be used against mosquitoes resistant to current chemicals.

Researchers JAZ(zed) about plant resistance discovery

The mystery of how a major plant hormone works to defend plants against invaders has been revealed, thanks to collaborative research efforts by Michigan State University and Washington State University.

Layered Crater on Mars

This image covers an impact crater roughly 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) in diameter. The subimage shows just a small segment of the crater rim (1336 x 889; 3 MB).

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